How Do I Stop My Ex From Interfering on My Day With the Kids?
When it comes to ‘meddling’ with your time with the kids after separation, generally your spouse is not allowed to interfere with your parenting time, such as by scheduling the children in events that you did not first consent to. Courts do not approve of parents who do not let the other parent spend their allotted time with their children. Judges have the power when making an order for custody or access to include a term of the order that neither parent can interfere with the other’s parenting time and if a spouse breaches this, they can be held in contempt of court. To understand the different types of orders a judge can make, watch the video below. This page explains how judges decide what type of child custody order to make.
However, like much else, there are exceptions to the general rule, such as if one parent has to book the child’s medical appointment on the other parent’s day because it is necessary for the child and it is the only time available. Also, the type of custodial arrangement you have (be it shared, joint, or sole) can have varying implications on what one parent can ‘schedule’ on the other parent’s day. You should listen to this podcast on what custody really means, and this podcast on how judges choose between the different types of custody. As explained in this podcast, children’s activities, and whether the parents agree on them, can affect child support as well. In any of these cases, it is best to speak to an experienced lawyer to discuss what your rights and obligations are, as every case is different.
If you are not already in family court, then a good family lawyer will tell you your options for addressing these types of co-parenting problems without going to court. Even if you are in court, you may still be able to use one of those options to reduce the conflict and avoid expense and aggravation, for the benefit of your kids. Your lawyer should be telling you how to do that.
If you are in family court, then it is particularly important to be careful how you react to your ex’s interference with the children. You can get yourself into trouble if you react to the other parent’s behaviour in the wrong way. If you are preparing to go to trial or expect to be taken to trial, it is very important that you speak with an experienced family law lawyer. Not all family law lawyers have done a trial, and you need to speak with a lawyer who has done many trials and who knows how trials are won and lost. You should listen to this podcast on how family law trials are conducted in Ontario. You should also read this article to learn some of the things that people should avoid doing when involved in a family law case. You can also watch the video below on some common mistakes people make when they are separating.
To learn even more about custody, access and how to prepare for your family law case, you may want to get a copy of this easy-to-understand book on the basics of Ontario Family Law as a paperback, or as a $9.99 e-book for Kindle, Kobo, or iPad/iPhone/Mac. You may also want to listen to this podcast or watch this video. You can also use the search on the right to find lots more articles about marriage and divorce.
To learn the best strategies to protect your kids, and your relationship with them, contact Certified Specialist in Family Law (and author of the book to the left), John Schuman, by emailing him, calling 416-446-5847, or using the contact form below. We answer all inquiries promptly and we can arrange for you to come in quickly for a consultation (charged at a reduced hourly rate).
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You can get a lot more information about Ontario Family Law issues, including a comprehensive explanation of parenting cases (parenting time and decision making), child support, spousal support, property division, and most other common family law issues by downloading this $9.99 Kindle eBook, Kobo eBook, or iBook for your iPad or iPhone or ordering it from Amazon as a paperback. But to understand how the law works precisely in your situation, it is always best to speak to a good Family Law Lawyer.
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