Bullying: What Changes Can and Should Schools Make to Stop It?

John Schuman spoke to CTV News to share his expertise in the areas of education law and bullying. He discussed what schools are legally required to do about bullying, how that differs between public and private schools, and what schools should bedding regardless of legal requirements.

This story comes in the wake of the release of the report into bullying at St. Michael’s College School in Toronto. That report was the result of a scandal that hit the school after Toronto Police arrested several students after a severe hazing incident. The fall-out and media investigations revealed just how widespread bullying was at the prestigious school and how important it is to stop bullying in every school.

This video gives parents valuable information about what they should expect schools to do to protect children from bullying, harassment and hazing at school – treatment that has long-lasting negative impacts on the victims. 

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To contact John Schuman, Certified Specialist in Family Law, call 647-342-6775, email him at john@schumanlaw.ca, or use the form on this page.

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