14. Ontario Family Court Step by Step – Part 1:  Starting and Responding to Family Court Proceedings

Ontario Family Court Step by Step – Part 1:  Starting and Responding to Family Court Proceedings

This is episode of the Family Law Podcast is the first of a series that goes over the Ontario Family Court Process step by step.  In this episode, John goes over how to start, or respond to a family court proceeding.  This is more complicated that it may first seem.  You have to make sure you in the right court and then you have to file, and serve, all of the right documents.  John goes over how to do all of that.  He also discusses the rules for serving family court documents.  If you are responding to a family court proceeding, this podcast covers that too.  

The way Family Court works is a lot different than most people expect. Many people get into trouble at court for not doing things the right way.  This podcast helps to understand how the family court process works and the very basics of what each party needs to do.  This podcast will be extremely helpful to anyone headed to family court.

Contact Us

To contact John Schuman, Certified Specialist in Family Law, call 647-342-6775, email him at john@schumanlaw.ca, or use the form on this page.

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