2. Deciding How to Resolve Matters After Separation
Deciding How to Resolve Matters After Separation
There was a time when getting divorced meant going to court. Going to court meant fighting it out. However, that fight did not work out well for many families. It almost never worked out well for the children. It certainly did not make any sense with “no fault divorces” that recognized that sometimes people just grew apart and divorce was not always the result of someone acting badly.
Now there are options for resolving issues after divorce. While a full out fight is sometimes necessary, it usually is not. There are alternatives, even when the separating spouses strongly disagree with each other. The options can keep tensions, emotions and legal fees down. They are better designed to resolving matters in a child friendly manner.
Negotiation, mediation, mediation-arbitration, arbitration and collaborative practice are all alternatives to court that usually have outcomes that makes separated spouses happier than a court fight. What are these choices? Which one is right for you? Listen and find out. This podcast provides critical information for separating spouses that can impact the rest of their lives. It should be mandatory listening for everyone going through a separation or divorce.
The Ontario Family Law Podcast is a companion to the book, Guide to the Basics of Ontario Family Law, which is available as an e-book for Amazon Kindle or Kobo, and as an iBook for iPad, iPhone and Mac, or as a paperback from Amazon and other fine book sellers. The Guide is an easy-to-understand explanation of the basics of all aspects of Ontario Family Law, from a description of Family Court and the other ways to resolve family law matters, to a description of the most important family law topics, to tips on how to avoid common mistakes and succeed after separation
Contact Us
To contact John Schuman, Certified Specialist in Family Law, call 647-342-6775, email him at john@schumanlaw.ca, or use the form on this page.