24. How to Have a Valid and Enforceable Separation Agreement

How to Have a Valid and Enforceable Separation Agreement

The vast majority of separated couples do not have a judge or arbitrator to decide how they are going to live the rest of their lives.  The vast majority of people come to an agreement to settle their matters after the end of their marriage or a common-law relationship.  In that way, they ensure that they live their lives after separation as they want to.  People are almost always much happier when they resolve matters by way of a separation agreement instead of a final order imposed by a judge.

However, if a separated couple wants certainty and finality in their agreement, there are rules they have to follow.  Ontario Law allows separations agreements to be thrown out if they are not properly written or negotiated.   This podcast goes over those rules.

Separation agreements are often the best way to bring finality the relationship with a former spouse or partner. However, to ensure that the agreement is final, and brings the parties the finality that they want and need, they need to follow the steps and rules set out in this podcast. 

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