26. Immigration Law Consequences of Separation or Divorce (Podcast)

Immigration Law Consequences of Separation or Divorce (Podcast)

In family law, it is common that a marriage or common-law relationship breaks down shortly after the couple comes to Canada.  When that happens, the family law issues may be difficult, but not as difficult as the immigration law issues that arise.  When a recently immigrated couple breaks up in Canada, one or both of them may deported, or the spouse who was already in Canada may have to pay tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to support the other spouse – and that is before there is any discussion of spousal support or child support. 

This edition of the podcast features noted immigration lawyer and head of the immigration law group at Devry Smith Frank, Asher Frankel.  He explains the immigration law consequences of relationship break down. Specifically, he looks at the effect of the separation on the Sponsorship Undertaking and on Conditional Permanent Residence status. As part of this presentation, Asher explains what the definition of “common-law relationship” is under Canadian Immigration Law, and what significance it has for people who are immigrating to Canada.  Asher as prepared slides, which will show up on your screen on the iTunes version of the podcast. They are also below if you are listening to this podcast on a mobile device through this webpage. The slides are on the left if you are listening to this podcast on a desktop computer.   You can download the slides by â€œright clicking” on the slide and selected â€œSave As”.

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To contact John Schuman, Certified Specialist in Family Law and Education Lawyer, call 647-342-6775, email him at john@schumanlaw.ca, or use the form on this page.

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