37. Sharing the Holidays After Separation

Sharing the Holidays After Separation

Holidays (be they Christmas, Chanukah  Kwanza, Eid, New Years, or any other important celebration) can be difficult for separated families.  It may be impossible for the kids to celebrate with both parents and their families  – or to have the most important times, such as Christmas Morning, with both parents. Dividing up these special times with the children can be one of the biggest challenges after separation or in divorce.

Fighting over the holidays can ruin them for your kids and cause psychological harm. In this edition of the Ontario Family Law Podcast, Certified Specialist in Family Law, John Schuman, gives useful parenting, child custoody and Family Law tips on how to share your children over important holidays.  If you and your ex have not been able to sort out the holidays, this episode is essential listing to protect your kids and make sure they have a celebration, not a conflict.

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To contact John Schuman, Certified Specialist in Family Law, call 647-342-6775, email him at john@schumanlaw.ca, or use the form on this page.

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