83. Family Law Strategies that Fail … and tips to succeed in divorce


Family Law Strategies that Fail … and tips to succeed in divorce

There can be a lot of anger and other emotions in separation and divorce.  Some separated spouses head to a lawyer’s office, or to Family Court, in the hope that they can force their ex to live in a box under a bridge.  Some even expect that if they spend exorbitantly on legal fees for an aggressive lawyer, they can force their wives and children into homelessness.  Ironically, using aggressive, or uncooperative strategies in the hope of intimidating, wearing down, or outlitigating a former partner often backfire with the party trying to use them losing BIG.  

In this episode of the Ontario Family Law PodcastCertified Specialist in Family  Law, John Schuman, goes over ten of the strategies that led to the most decisive family court defeats and explain the best ways to do better than your ex in Family Court, because the best strategies are not obvious.

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To contact John Schuman, Certified Specialist in Family Law, call 647-342-6775, email him at john@schumanlaw.ca, or use the form on this page.

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