1. Separation and First Decisions
Separation and First Decisions
This episode, hosted by John Schuman, the head of the Family Law Group at Devry Smith Frank LLP, discusses how spouse know they are separated and what steps they have to take first. It explores some of the initial issues that spouses, or unmarried partners, face at the end of their relationship. Those first decisions after separating can have a profound impact on the rest of the lives of each spouse – and the lives of their children. It can even affect how much money everyone will have at the end of it all.
The Ontario Family Law Podcast is a companion to the book, Guide to the Basics of Ontario Family Law, which is available as a $9.99 eBook for Amazon Kindle and Kobo and as an iBook for iPad, iPhone and Mac or a paperback from Amazon and other fine book sellers. The Guide is an easy-to-understand explanation of the basics of all aspects of Ontario Family Law, from a description of Family Court and the other ways to resolve family law matters, to a description of the most important family law topics, to tips on how to avoid common mistakes and succeed after separation.
If you would like more assistance with your separation of divorce, contact Certified Specialist in Family Law, John Schuman, by calling 647-342-6775, emailing him, or using the contact form below. You can also use the contact form to comment on this page

Contact Us
To contact John Schuman, Certified Specialist in Family Law, call 647-342-6775, email him at john@schumanlaw.ca, or use the form on this page.