What Am I Legally Required To Do First After Separating?

What Am I Legally Required To Do First After Separating?

Separating from a spouse or partner is, without a question, a very difficult and busy time.  It can seem like there are lots of things to do.  But what are separated spouses legally required to do first when they separate?  Since the answer is different from what may people think, in this episode of the Ontario Family Law PodcastCertified Specialist in Family Law, John Schuman goes over the legal duties people have immediately after separation. This episode goes over what separated spouses and parents must do to fulfill their legal obligations right after separating. This is all critical information that anyone considering separating from a spouse must know.

For more information on the alternatives to Family Court, check out the page on mediation and arbitration and the page on Collaborative Practice

If you found this episode helpful, check out these other episodes on similar topics:

75 – When Can You Legally Stop Your Ex From Seeing the Kids?

60 – Should You Take Your Ex To Family Court?

59 – Why You Won’t Get Custody of the Kids

53 – How to Pay Less Child Support

51 – Who Pays the Cost of an Ontario Divorce?

44 – Can You Be Better Off Financially If You Divorce? 

40 – How to Keep Your Money in Separation and Divorce

34 – Disclosure in Family Law Cases

14 – Ontario Family Court Step By Step – Part 1

15 – Ontario Family Court Step By Step – Part 2

10 – Child Support in Ontario/Canada: Who Pays and How Much?.

The Ontario Family Law Podcast is a companion to the book, Guide to the Basics of Ontario Family Law, which is available  as a $9.99 Kindle eBook, Kobo eBook, or iBook for your iPad or iPhone and as a paperback from Amazon and better bookstores.  It is an invaluable resource to anyone thinking of separating or who is separated.   There is important information about parenting disputes, separation or divorce, or the financial considerations in those circumstances.  Separated spouses and parents can rely on both this podcast and the book for easy-to-understand information and advice about how the law applies to their case and what are the best ways to address their concerns.  The book also covers all the other related family law issues, such as parenting issues, child support, spousal support, property division and restraining orders.  To get your copy of the book, click on the picture of the book above and to the left.

Thousands of people tune into the Ontario Family Law Podcast to get valuable pointers on family law, divorce and separation issues.  Please feel free to share this podcast with your social network using the sharing buttons below.  The host of the Ontario Family Law PodcastJohn Schuman, is a Certified Specialist in Family Law, practicing in Toronto.  If you would like to contact him, either call 416-446-5847, email us,  or fill out form below and click “send.”  To book a consultation, at a reduced rate, use this form

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To contact John Schuman, Certified Specialist in Family Law, call 416-446-5847, email him at john@schumanlaw.ca, or use the form on this page.

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