Family Court Step-by-Step 2: How to change a child support or spousal support order.

Things in life change. If you are receiving child support or spousal support and the payor’s income has gone up, you may need to change the support order or separation agreement. If you are paying child support or spousal support and the payments are now too high, you may need to change the support order or separation agreement. This is especially true for child support where the amount of the payments is supposed to change every year based on the parents’ incomes. However, you need to change your support the right way. If you do it the wrong way, your ex may be able to keep money that should be yours. You might even get in trouble in court.

In this informative video, Certified Specialist in Family Law, Divorce Lawyer John Schuman, explains the process step-by-step to change a support order or separation agreement. He explains how changing a support order is different from changing a separation agreement and how it is the same. John explains all the court forms that you need and all the steps you have to take into court both when both sides agree to the change, or when one parent is unreasonably refusing to change support. Watching this short video is a great start to finding out how to change your support or agreement. 

People who are self-employed may have a harder time changing a support order or separation agreement.

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