Family Mediation Step-by-Step
In this episode of To Your Success, Certified Specialist in Family Law, Toronto Family Mediator and Experienced Divorce lawyer, John Schuman, tells you what you need to know about using Family Mediation in separation and divorce. This video gives a full explanation of Family Law Mediation, which is an alternative to going to Family Court. Watch to learn when Family Mediation will work when it will not, and how to make it work for you. This video explains most of the important things separated couples need to know before going to mediation – whether it be over child custody, child support alimony or property division. It answers the common question: âIs Family Mediation binding?â This comprehensive video also explains what are the best choices if you and your ex cannot reach an agreement at mediation.
As discussed in the video, a family mediator is a replacement for family court. A mediator is not a replacement for having a family lawyer assist you through the separation process. In fact, having a family lawyer giving you independent advice is required to have a binding agreement. In addition, a good family lawyer will make the family mediation process easier and more likely to succeed. Read this page to find out more about that. You should also check out this page for even more information about Family Law Mediation.
One of the key points in this video is that to make sure you get a good deal at Family Mediation you have to know how Family Law applies to your situation. Not only do you need to find out how to avoid common mistakes in divorce and separation, but you need to understand what are the things that could happen if you went to court and whether your expectations are reasonable. This easy-to-understand best-selling book on the Basics of Ontario Family Law can help with that.
Contact Us
To contact John Schuman, Certified Specialist in Family Law, call 647-342-6775, email him at, or use the form on this page.