How Money is Hidden in Divorce, Child Support, Spousal Support and Property Cases

When spouses, couples or parents separate, whether one of them has hidden money is frequently an issue. The best Family Lawyers know where that money is hidden in all family law cases involving fiancee – divorce, child support, spousal support or property division. Some spouses hide the money overseas, some hide it in corporations, and some hide assets – bank accounts, cars, ATVs, boats, or even real property. In support cases, a spouse or parent may want to hide income. In this video, Certified Specialist in Family Law, John Schuman, explains where money and income are hidden, and how the best family lawyers find it. 

If you are separated, or involved in a family court case involving some form of money issue, then this video is essential viewing. Learn where spouse frequently hide their assets – both inside and outside the jurisdiction, and how divorce lawyers track that money down. In support cases, there can be a large incentive to try to hide income. That can be much easier for self-employed spouses or people who have some control over the way they receive their income, John Schuman explains how that is done, and how family court judges and lawyers track down that money by looking at business expenses, retained earnings in corporations and cash payments. He then goes on to explain what the consequences can be if a spouse gets caught hiding money.

Protect your money and your right to get it by watching this video. For a lot more information on family court, and Ontario Family Law, get a copy of this $25 easy-to-understand book on Ontario Family Law. Click on the icons to the left to get the e-book for your phone, tablet or e-reader.

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To contact John Schuman, Certified Specialist in Family Law, call 647-342-6775, email him at, or use the form on this page.

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