98 – 7 Big Costly Child Support Mistakes


Doing Child Support Wrong Can Cost You, Or the Kids, Lots of Money. Here are Seven Legal Tips To Get it Right!

The Child Support Guidelines was supposed to make child support easy, predictable and fair. They are supposed to result in separated parents spending as much o their kids as they would if the family was together. Yet, child support remains very controversial. Often that is because people get chid support wrong. So, in this episode of the Ontario Family Law Podcast, Certified Specialist in Family Law, John Schuman, explains seven common child support mistakes that cost people big – and how to avoid them.

This episode covers how to calculate base child support and when that may be different from what people expect. Also, it explains contributions to section 7 expenses. On addition, it also goes over what is, and is not, a proper section 7 expense. Finally, it covers some important tax considerations for child support.

If you found this episode helpful, check out these episodes on similar topics:

90. ⁠5 Family Law Fails⁠ 

89. ⁠⁠Is Child Support Ever Too Much?  

81. ⁠⁠Can Separated Parents Agree to No Child Support?⁠ 

76. ⁠⁠Why Your Income for Taxes May Not Be Your Income for Child Support (or Spousal Support) 

66.. ⁠⁠How to Change Child Support

54. Child Support Does Not End at Age 18⁠

53. How to Pay Less Child Support

The Ontario Family Law Podcast is a companion to the book, Guide to the Basics of Ontario Family Law. The latest edition, which is up-to-date on all important divorce issues is now available. Get it as a $⁠⁠9.99 Kindle eBook⁠⁠ , or as an ⁠⁠Apple Book for your iPad or iPhone ⁠⁠. Also, you can get it as a ⁠⁠paperback or hard cover from Amazon⁠⁠ or at better bookstores.

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To contact John Schuman, Certified Specialist in Family Law and Education Lawyer, call 647-342-6775, email him at john@schumanlaw.ca, or use the form on this page.

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